New Visionary Podcast

Recently I was invited to the New Visionary Podcast hosted by the wonderful Victoria Fry.

In this episode, I talk about my journey as a curator and the inspiration behind the contemporary art magazine, Art Seen. With a passion for working with artists, I share valuable information about my coaching programs, including how to get gallery ready.

Here’s what we discuss: 

1. How Gita became an established curator and what led her to launch The Curator’s Salon, a podcast and website focusing on the art world with advice for early and mid career artists.

2. Helpful suggestions for artists when it comes to nurturing relationships with potential collectors.

3. Why it’s important to understand the expectations of a gallery prior to working together and key points for artists to consider beforehand.

You can see more from Victoria at the below links

Visit the website:
Follow on Instagram: @visionaryartcollective + @newvisionarymag


Extremely Supernormal: An Exhibition by Rossanne Pellegrino


In the Moment - A Solo Art Exhibition by Rachel Wold