Challenging your Limiting Beliefs around Marketing and Sales

Challenging your limiting beliefs around marketing and sales is a crucial step in building a successful career as an artist. Here are some tips on how to do it:

  1. Identify your limiting beliefs: Start by identifying the beliefs you have about marketing and sales that are holding you back. For example, you might believe that self-promotion is arrogant or that sales are sleazy.

  2. Question your beliefs: Ask yourself whether these beliefs are really true. Are there examples of successful artists who have promoted themselves without being arrogant or pushy? Challenge your beliefs by seeking out evidence to the contrary.

  3. Reframe your thinking: Instead of thinking of marketing and sales as something negative, reframe your thinking to view it as an opportunity to connect with your audience and share your art with the world. Think about the value that your art brings to others and focus on how you can communicate that value effectively.

  4. Take action: Once you've challenged your limiting beliefs, take action to promote your art. Start small by sharing your work on social media or reaching out to local galleries. Each small step will build your confidence and help you overcome your resistance to marketing and sales.

By challenging your limiting beliefs around marketing and sales, you can develop a more positive and proactive mindset that will help you build a successful and sustainable career as an artist.


Calls to Action for Artists to Use


Journaling to address the resistance around promoting your art