Pause - How to Manage Isolation during Covid-19 Pandemic

Danielle North is my guest on this episode of the podcast.

Danielle is the author of Pause - How to Press Pause Before Life Does it For You and runs the Pause retreat. In this episode we talk about managing the challenging times of social distancing and isolation through creating a rhythm and developing practices. I have chosen to use the time during this pandemic intentionally and invited Danielle to come on the podcast to talk about how we might all create a self directed retreat.

In this episode we talk about

Rhythms - daily or weekly rhythms help to calm the central nervous system and Danielle talks about why everyone should create a rhythm at a time when regular daily patterns such as travel to work or school hours are taken away from us.

Finding freedom within the constraints; once we surrender or are at peace with the changing circumstances, we develop inner space to create new things.

Practices - we talk about practices to develop different areas of our life such as the spiritual, intellectual, creativity and play, intellectual and physical. Committing each day to your chosen practices has as compound effect to develop any area of your life.

Creativity and returning to play. There are multiple online challenges encouraging artists to return to a sense of play, to make work without deadlines or for critics and galleries. She encourages making and doing things that you find fulfilling to find the gold in the pause.

Buy Danielle’s book here

Follow Danielle on Instagram @pauseglobal
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