Michael Morgan

Michael Morgan is a contemporary mixed media artist living in New York. His works employ collage, assemblage and oil paint by varying degrees, all in the service of creating figurative and representational art. Morgan constructs visual images that speak directly with their physical material, poetically blurring the line between image and word. Themes explored through his work include loss, grief, environmental issues, LGBTQ issues, politics, humour and history. He creates narratives around the animals and pets that appear in his paintings, echoing his own exploration and experiences of bonding, friendship and connection.

Often presenting parrots in his paintings, he says: “My focus broadened to the world of escaped pets, symbolised by the Blue Monk parakeets who have established homes atop suburban landscapes, far from their native habitats. These avian tales served as poignant metaphors for the human experience – loss, redemption, trauma, and feeling alien within one’s community.”

Michael is feature on the Art Seen, Issue 12 published in May 2024.

Visit www.michaelmorganart.com to learn more about the artist.


Melissa Loop