Art Seen Issue 12 - Summer 2024

Discover Contemporary Art: Get Your Copy of Art Seen Magazine Now!

Discover the transformative power of contemporary art through the stories, influences, and purpose behind some of today's most talented artists. Immerse yourself in captivating visuals and engaging conversations that bring their work to life and elevate your understanding of art.

Benefits of reading this magazine:

- Draw inspiration from the unique stories and influences that shape the world's most exciting contemporary artists.

- Immerse yourself in captivating visuals and insightful conversations that bring the artists' work to life.

- Transform your perspective on art and its transformative power.

What's inside:

- In-depth stories behind the artwork and the artist's creative process.

- Explore artists' natural studio spaces and gain a deeper understanding of their inspiration and creative process.

Don't miss the opportunity to delve into the world of contemporary art.

Order your copy of Art Seen Magazine today on Amazon and embark on a journey of inspiration and discovery!


Mona Lerch - Women United Art Prize


Venice Biennale 2024