London Art Critic - Tabish Khan

Tabish Khan aka London Art Critic is my guest for this episode of the podcast. We talk about our experiences of going to galleries, fairs and private views.

He discusses his growing his network and how artists and galleries can do that better for themselves when looking to reach art writers and influencers.

Tabish’s top tips for artists

  1. Don’t get drunk at your private view!

  2. Look out for the lone visitor because they have often made a special effort to be there

  3. Get contact details of visitors and follow up, stay in touch, not only when you have a show

  4. Add images to your emails particularly your invites, be clear about what they can expect to see at your show, not only the ideas behind the work. Add the dates of the exhibition not only the private view date


Three things I learned from Tabish

  1. He considers himself as someone is still catching up with all the goings on in the art world so he visits more exhibitions than other art writers might. As such he visits the large galleries, the commercial ones as well as project spaces and art fairs.

  2. He gets even more invites to exhibitions than I do

  3. He’s been called the People’s Art Critic which he rather likes because he still has one foot in the business world and can often present a view that is relateable to people who also are not fully immersed in the art world.

Follow him on Instagram @londonartcritic or visit his website
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Me on Mizog Art Podcast


Gary Mansfield - Born Again Artist