Roys Art Fair

For this episode of the podcast Roy Tyson returns to talk about the growth of Roys Art Fair now preparing for it’s fifth event in London taking place on 3-6 October 2019 at the Truman Brewery in East London.

Roy talks about what he has learned since doing the first fair which includes his own learning to delegate, and managing the growing number of artist participants.
He shares advice for artists who are looking to take part or are already scheduled to show at a fair, and how they can maximise the investment.

I’m a big fan of the fair and the opportunities it creates for artists. Around 15-20% of artists at the fair are first time exhibitors at any fair and many use the fair to transition from having a day job to start earning from their art. A regular number of artists are showing again with Roys Art Fair and Roy talks about how the successful artists engage with the educational material provided by the organisers, This can include preparation, marketing and how to handle the conversations with visitors.

The great thing about this fair is that it provides support for artists to promote themselves and learn how to use the event to their advantage. They also host networking events to create a community. This takes places weeks before the show opens, so that artists can feel they are a part of the fair and get to know each other before installation day.


You can find more details for tickets or participating in the fair at
and on Instagram at
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