Elevate Your Insta Game
What if you had hot and scrollstopping content to share on Instagram everyday?
What does it mean to you?
✅ Be more visible to art buyers so they're excited to own your art
✅ Galleries, curators, media reaching out to you
✅ Opening the door to opportunities
✅ Creating momentum in your sales and art career
It's all possible, and easier than you have let yourself believe.
And the good news is Elevate Your Insta Game is going to show you how.
That’s why I created Elevate Your Insta Game
Inside this program I’m sharing:
What your audience needs to see, hear and read in order for them to engage, comment, share and buy
Why focussing on your own channel, message and priotitising your art buying audience opens the doors to industry professional relationships
Content pillars for your artist brand to make your own so you never run out something to share
Getting in the right headspace for a larger audience.
Imagine never running out of something to share on Instagram knowing everything you say and post is wildly appreciated by your audience, that people are excited to comment, connect, reach out and share your posts, AND that you are being seen by galleries, curators and media.
If that's not your reality just yet, let me know if this sounds familiar:
You feel the need to post fresh artwork everyday but you can't create a new piece daily!
You think if you don't have an exhibition coming up, there's nothing to announce and perk up your audience.
You feel you have already told your audience everything they need to know about your art and struggle to find new things to post, write, share.
You're getting messages like 'love this painting' but not nobody's asking it they can buy it
You've previously announced new art for sale but felt emotionally burnt out and stresed keeping momentum during your sales launch
Never run out of something to post
Easily create content for daily sharing on your Instagram or any other social platform you are using.
Warming up a cold audience.
How to use the stories and the grid to develop deeper connections + different content for Stories vs Grid.
Authenticity & feeling
safe online
Finding your voice.
Reframing content creation as an act of service that makes people want to connect, work with, and buy from you.
Mindset and energetic shifts you can make to hold space for a growing audience.
You will receive access to all the training as soon as you enrol.
What Artists Say:
“I really enjoyed Elevate Your Insta Game. It was just the kick in the pants that I needed to start a regular posting schedule again. I appreciated all the examples you provided and my key takeaway was that consistency is so important!!”
“I finally completed your fabulous Instagram training! Wow! So great! I need to watch it again ( and again)
So I am still a far cry from being quick at this but I think I am a lot better than I was a week ago!”
Moving your audience out of the friendzone
CTA's so you steer your audience to what you need them to do next.
Optimising your bio and understanding the features to make them work for you.
Using Insta for your sales promotions, exhibitions or moving them to your mailing list.
“ I was feeling a bit stale with my content creation and you have rejuvenated my enthusiasm for it all.
My biggest take aways were that I can divide up a story or topic to create multiple posts. I think this will also allow posts to be written quicker as I have been trying to say so much in one post that it either takes ages or I don’t post as I don’t have time. Also to understand the buying types so I can plan posts that reach all people.”
HI, I’m Gita Joshi
I'm an independent curator, award winning art dealer, author of bestseller, Show Your Art, editor at Art Seen Magazine and an artist coach.
In a world where there are more artists than galleries could ever represent I am passionate about supporting artists to paint their own profitable path.
Inside this online program I will be sharing artist specific content that you can create to help you raise your visibility, grow your audience and develop professional connections with buyers, galleries, curators, media and more.