Alex Selkowitz

Alex Selkowitz says “When I was a kid, I spent many hours a day daydreaming and always had a very active imagination. I was obsessed with comic strips, cartoons and comic books and often would copy or trace characters to see how they were “made”. “

Alex consumed as many movies, video games and anything that stimulated him visually. He often fantasized of drawing comic strips or working on movies one day. Fine art was not on his radar till later in life.

About his art journey he shares “I discovered painting about 10 years ago and really fell in love with it. I never trained at an art school, so at the beginning it was a very slow process filled with lots of frustration. I dabbled in watercolor and acrylics for awhile but once found oil paint I knew that that was the one for me.”

He is inspired by the cities juxtaposition of urban sprawl and green spaces. His process begins with snapshots of his surroundings, which are sketched, and used as studies for his paintings. By the time the image makes its way to canvas, it has undergone various stages of fragmentation to disrupt the linear elements in a composition.

Alex shares about his works;, "The idea that transcends throughout most of my work is calmness within a frenetic world. It stems from my own personal pursuit of wanting to feel calm and balanced in my own life. I suppose that inevitably it comes out in my artwork. Occasionally I will imagine a painting that I am working on hanging on a wall somewhere and I think to myself, would this image cause me to stop whatever I am doing and reflect for a moment? I attempt to make paintings that are timeless and not too specific. I occasionally sway towards surrealism or a dream like quality. You might recognize a certain object or two but there is nothing immediately striking that would “date” the painting."

Interested in seeing more of his art pieces? Check his website at


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