Claire Tangerine

Claire Tangerine is an artist hailing from Canada. She communicates fluently in visual language, song, movement and in writing. She makes art primarily in the form of painting, which is informed by observational drawing of the figure and internal structures of the mind and body. She believes in perception as the key to creative discourse and openly discusses multiple perceptions of the forms that inspire her work.

She says, “In nature, there is a lot of information that we observe outside the body through our vision, and this changes as we get close to objects in nature versus the gaze that we have into vast distances when outside. We are all under the same sky and this is a unifying experience, especially in the past year when global events have caused many to be shifted into isolation.

My painting that I have submitted for this show is inspired by an archeologist who told me a story about digging up bones and forgotten civilizations of the past. She told me that in the city, because of all the pavement and the construction, there is a lot of turning of the earth and it is less likely that anything will be found. The countryside, the untouched and less – touched earth is where we look to find out more about what is beneath the surface and about humans of the past. Here in my painting, I have merged human bones as they would appear (dry and ancient) in the countryside. It has a core view of the crust of the earth and the spine of man, embedded in the landscape. In this work it shows how time and natural forces cover the humans of the past who did not live in such huge cities; these teach us about how we evolved and got to now. If we think about intrinsic nature, we all return to the same place, the earth, and the turning surface of the earth is where our memories will remain.”

You can see more of Claire’s work @moonspade_magic.


Patrick Conyngham


Joanna Pilarczyk