Jamie Platt

Jamie Platt is a painter from the midwestern United States. Her work is informed by her imagination in dialogue with everyday experience. Jamie is interested in the way interiority, the felt experience of life, can be discovered in the painting process. She often starts a painting with an idea about a subject and a compositional shape and then allows the act of painting to suggest what happens to it as it evolves.

She shares, “Painting feels like excavation as much as an act of building. When I start a painting, I don’t know exactly what I’m after. Instead, I find out what is there by doing the work. The act of making a painting externalizes the cause and effect of inspiration. I can see it, touch it, think about it, share it.

My work as an artist is intrinsically linked to my way of being in the world. Making work is a way of externalizing what is internal in order to get a good look at it. I believe the job of an artist is to use their voice to say something to the world about what it’s like to be a person in their time. What I hope for my work is that my version of events will resonate with others in a way that feels true, and affirming, and good.”

See more on Instagram @jamie.platt123.


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