Jason Engelbart

Jason Engelbart lives and works in Hamburg, Germany.

Since 2020, Jason Engelbart has been actively involved with the online charity platform, PRODUCERS ART, which was launched by the Hamburg-based Spiegelberger Foundation to support artists in need as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

About his practice, Jason shares, “The source of my inspiration can be found in the masterpieces of the High Baroque from 1650 to 1720 and the Late Baroque / Rococo from 1720 to 1770. Driven by my search for the perfect moment, the moment of perfect love, the divine, I trace these values especially in the masterpieces of this art epoch.

Using my characteristic digital painting technique, developed over the years, I abstract selected original works of Guido Reni, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Johannes Zick and others by superimposing picture levels, blurring, overpainting and re-composing them. In the work process, my very own flowing structures and pictorial rhythms emerge, while the original color composition remains largely untouched. In sum, colour and form transform into a single aesthetic-abstract event that is experienced on a purely emotional level as a holy moment.”

“The trigger for my abstract-baroque series of works was a visit to the Würzburg Residenz in Germany in 2016. Overwhelmed by the opulent ceiling frescoes by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Antonio Giuseppe Bossi and Johannes Zick inside the Baroque castle, a deep desire arose in me to mirror this splendour of spirituality in the form of an abstract translation into the present. “

Jason’s works have been shown in numerous national and international exhibitions, including Armoury Art Week New York, Art Basel Miami, Swiss Art Expo Zurich and more. His work has been recognised with several awards.



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