Liz Dueck

Liz Dueck is an oil painter focused in nature abstraction and expressionism. Her home base is Tulsa, Oklahoma, however, she lives a nomadic life traveling around the U.S. camping, hiking, teaching art online, and creating from the immediate source of inspiration.

She shares, “My abstract landscape oil paintings are translations of my time spent exploring in and connecting with nature; a style of art I like to refer to as Nature Expressionism. I am drawn to how the energetic essence of nature can be communicated visually as I spend consistent, meaningful time outside. I am an avid traveler, nature enthusiast and now a newly full-time nomadic artist.

Starting this summer I will be venturing across the U.S., living primarily in campsites while I paint and teach art online. Cultivating an authentic relationship with the land is important throughout my process, because nature is not only my muse but my solace, my main source for internal peace. Being exposed to nature this consistently makes me excited to ground and reconnect to the world in a deep and instinctual way. With my art, I wish to create a unique perspective that shows this influence on human thought and emotion in collaboration with the spirit of the place.

The intertwining of active exploration and quiet connection is rendered in my work by layering saturated colors together and painting wild, immersive scenes balanced with idyllic sun spots and gently decorated flora. The richness of the oil paint allows for me to produce reflective pockets of light and new vibrant colors, which feels like the second phase of exploration. Just as time spent in nature, I intend for my expressive landscape paintings to engage viewers both physically and emotionally; to be encouraging reminders that what we find in nature we can also find within ourselves.”

See more of Liz’s work on Instagram @lizdueckart.


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