Margaret Harris

Margaret Harris grew up in West Texas and has lived in Dallas since 1988. After a career in media sales, she now studies under two Dallas based painters and commits her days to working as a full time artist in her Dallas studio. Her art is cultivated by a nostalgia for the open landscape and frequent travels from the city to the coasts and the high skies of home.

Harris says her encounter with these landscapes at a young age, became the foundation of her painted spaces today. The colors and process she uses depict the softness of nature with which she creates an entirely new place in the space of her canvas. She calls on an etherial and process based approach to painting, which allows for alternative interpretations and abstractions. More views of her art is available on her website.

About her body of works, she shares, “My abstract paintings typically evolve through building layers that often will start as an experiment of what is to come and end with a surprise of the unexpected shape, form or colors that happen. I don’t always know where my abstract paintings are going but when they are done there is usually a common thread of serene soft colors and a nod to nature . For the most part I want my viewers to feel the calmness and suggestions that I express in my abstract paintings. Lately I have more of a sense that making art is not only an expression of mine but that it can be a gift to anyone who enjoys the feelings they have when looking at my work.“

Learn more about Margaret Harris and visit


Josie McCoy


Karen Turner