Marryam Moma

Marryam Moma is a visual artist who melds the palette of re-purposed hand-cut pieces, paper, and media together into fresh, layered imagery with new associations. Deconstructing images, then re-integrating them to create something new, is an intuitive and ongoing visual experiment where color, texture, balance, shape, and space come into play.

She shares, “At the core of my art practice, I aim to empower and uplift the Black body, especially the black female body. Unveiling the magic within this race, breaks collective contemporary stereotypes. Thus, changing attitudes and perceptions of black women, allowing society to re-discover her: Powerful, complex, beautiful, revered, and valuable. My collages are focused on elevating the importance of the black experience and body.”

“These collages represent an introduction to a twenty-two pieces art series of Black musical artists that I consider to be revolutionary. I chose to present these works because the artists depicted use their musical talents to inspire, advocate for and empower the Black body and community. For example, one of the works titled "Soul Power", highlights James Brown who teaches Black pride, equal opportunity for Blacks and self-reliance in the 1960's. This resonates deeply with me and is at the core of my artistic practice. More importantly, the messages is still relevant today.

It is my intention to change the dynamics of how the Black body is viewed in a society that is divisive versus inclusive. My work raises awareness that sparks discussions around traveling back inwards and making space for reconciliation with self and other. I ultimately hope to create a space in which the Black body is celebrated.”

Follow Marryam on Instagram @marryammomaart.


Hannah Zimmerman


Molly McCracken