Rachel Le Roux

A British-Filipina self-taught visual artist based in Manila Philippines, Rachel Le Roux works primarily with pencil and oil on canvas, but occasionally ventures out into mixed media art.

She shares, “In the beginning of my journey, I discovered my love for pencil and oil on canvas and in my work, I usually unveil the female form in dance or in her solitude, unravelling in her own suspended moment in time. In the process of creating her, my pieces navigate through layers that eventually unravel to become my narrative where I try to tell stories of my own in faces and bodies that don’t belong to me. Most recently, my art has temporarily shifted into the expression of movement through abstract art, where I embrace the magic that allows me to dive in deeper into myself. Slowly, that magic escapes into my art and that freedom is wonderful.”

“When I try to gather my thoughts about my work, I realise that I am constantly inspired by time and how it is ceaseless. Whether I'm painting women in their stolen moments or painting abstracts that are the true essence of my utmost rawness – my ‘intrinsic nature’ - movement and stillness will always be the fundamental components of my work. They become the main factors that I focus on when I manifest my ideas and concepts. And essentially, when I break it all down – figurative or abstract - my art practice is still truly about time; where each element involved manuevre around each other and dance in their own special way to create pieces that intertwine with everything that is the true nature of my soul.”


Heidi Brueckner


Zhannet Podobed