Shalu Juneja

Shalu Juneja is an artist based in India who works in sketching, painting, and stoneware sculptures. Her art majorly delves on the physical and emotional reactions within the human form. She adopts a figurative abstract style and loves to experiment with techniques such as mark making and texture on canvas.

She shares, “It was an unfavourable condition that the pandemic thrust upon me as an artist who is also a passionate art educator. I was put in a place where either I could have been cast aside, as a person who is out of date or I jump into a zone which was beyond my comprehension. I chose the latter. Though the transition was tough, I am now in a place between eternal happiness of learning to communicate and eternal torment of being stuck in a virtual reality for an unspecified time and an uncertain future.”

“ This new phenomenon of small windows revealing our personal spaces in seemingly distorted perspectives which added discomfort as well as a voyeuristic intrigue. I was peeping into private spaces, lifestyles, walls, windows ,patterns, objects and sometimes glimpses of other humans that whipped past or lurked behind as shadows. I had become what a spirit would be, but only stuck in that dimension, being Limbo, unable to go from that dimension to say this dimension which seemed so close yet so far.”

You can follow Shalu on Instagram at @shaluism.


Christine Vilutis


Hannah Zimmerman