Valentina Bakhchevan

Valentina was born in Moldova and currently resides in New York, USA. Her paintings are in museums and private collections all around Europe and USA.

She says “The main goal is to create images with eternal conceptions, as an infinity, eternity, life transformation and the other abstract conceptions which comes from the knowledge of Anthroposophy.”

Talking about her art, Valentina says , “My direction in art is Objective Abstractionism which contains two parts: philosophical categories (work of the mind) as a space, time, movement, infinity and Anthroposophical spiritual concepts - cyclical development, the regularity of the change of cultures and human lives, the unity of the sensual and spiritual worlds. Being is a single whole with the conditional border of the spiritual and material worlds. This volumetric spiritual concepts are suitable for abstract paintings which implies a joint combination of the artist’s thinking and his intuition. That is objective abstractionism. The media for the conceptual images is metallic and neon acrylic, because those colors are absent directly from material perception and in a more direct way introduce the viewer to the experience of spiritual concepts. Metallic and neon paints have the energy inherent in the metal and light.”

Follow the artist on Instagram @bakhchevan.v


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