Rajul Shah

Located at Singapore, Singapore.

I am an international artist whose work is inspired by the desire to communicate calm and spiritual peace. Having lived in Asia for several years, I am inspired by Asian styles and philosophies; while the intent of my work draws from a previous career in healthcare. I have witnessed strong connections between emotional and physical well-being; and I believe in the importance of sharing positive energy.

The Japanese Art of Kintsugi inspires the translation of my artwork to address aspects of the human condition and its ability to recover from illness, injury and/or trauma; including the impact of humans on the environment.

What needs repair does not need to define us. We can heal, regenerate and evolve into improved versions of ourselves, with renewed strength and purpose. An illness or injury does not make us “ugly” or “weak”.The result of regeneration lends greater beauty to that which is healed.

Kintsugi is a physical manifestation of resilience. Its purpose is to “repair”.The practice emphasizes the beauty and utility of breaks and imperfections. A vessel is repaired using tree sap and gold splicing. Traditionally applied to pottery in Japan, my artworks are 2D representations of this concept.

My creations use a variety of media and materials, such as oil, nihonga, acrylic, gold/silver leaf, paper and other textural compounds. Utilization of Space is defined with color, texture, and/or a combination of materials.”



Elisabeth Handelsby


Chloe Chen