Giovina Brauer

Giovina Brauer works from a studio nestled amidst nature and wildlife in British Columbia. She is a graduate of the University of Fraser Valley, BC. As an artist, she draws from her inner visions and insights and has developed a visionary style that delves into otherworldly realms, fusing elements of dark romanticism and symbolism. Through her oil paintings, she strives to capture the exploration of love and loss, the transformative journey of growth, and the profound experiences that shape our lives.

Can you describe your creative process and how you balance spontaneity and discipline when working with oils?

My creativity is unique to me, and I have learned how to appreciate my way of thinking as part of my process. Everything starts in my mind, thoroughly planned out and executed, with every detail in its place like a photo. I see my images as printouts to get sourced for colour, style and design. My love of art books has enriched my palate beyond words. I spend my free time reading and looking at Old Masters for resources. I love painting at night for its spiritual qualities and the moments of gratitude while I paint. I create most of my colours by premixing a personal palette for a specific purpose. I will source the market till I find what I’m looking for. As for spontaneity and discipline, these two work together seamlessly. Discipline to show up and the courage to spontaneously dismantle when necessary to change direction. I practice these habits daily as a reminder of my love of painting and gratitude for all things creative.

Get your copy of the Art Seen Magazine, Issue 13 to read the full interview.

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Giovina is featured on the Autumn 2024 Edition of Art Seen magazine, published August 2024.


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Chrys Zumstein