Latifah A Stranack

Latifah Stranack is a London-based artist with a mixed heritage that made her passionate about creating a dialogue with the viewer to promote a sense of tolerance, empathy and harmony between different communities and cultures.

She says: “I have always been fascinated by the story of Adam and Eve and their mysterious garden; since graduating, I have been researching and examining texts and artists inspired by the Edenic theme. I looked at the fresco The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden by the Early Renaissance artist Masaccio, The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch and works by Matisse and Monet. My aim is to interpret their work from a contemporary mixed-race, female perspective. My Anglo / Omani heritage is a source of inspiration for my paintings, and growing up between cultures has created a rich narrative for me to utilise in my work.”


Cole Cramer


Marni Mutrux