Ryan Walters

Born in New England, raised in rural Connecticut, and attending school in the Berkshires, Massachusetts, Walters found work in the arts, both at museums and backstage in theatre, until the pandemic in 2020. It was then that he lost all future work prospects and a sense of belonging in the art world.

As a multidisciplinary artist with a focus on oil painting, he says: “The artistic process became a delicate respite from a suddenly difficult reality. Exploring ideas of human progress and the inevitable reclamation of nature, I found profound beauty in both creation and decay. Most people expend great effort to create a lasting legacy which might live longer than themselves; the great designers and architects have sought this through their work, and artists like myself often seek the same. After our passing in this life begins the grander healing of this planet, reclaiming the space we have taken from it over our collective days. As grass grows long over our graves, and sands sweep through our cities, so too can our Earth breathe fresh air once again.”


Paula Borsetti


Shawn Marshall