Paula Borsetti

Paula Borsetti creates abstract paintings that are a story of her life, reflecting her love of family, friends and the natural environment of New England. She maintains a full-time studio practice and shows her work locally, nationally and online.

Borsetti borrows colours, patterns, textures, forms and movement to create layered paintings that evoke personal moments and narratives, rearranging the elements to recreate the essence of those moments.

She says: “To create is like breathing in and out, a part of you that you can harness in order to ground, to elevate, to soothe, and to heal. And like breathing, to not do it is not an option.”

“Table Talk is a series in process. I am asking: ‘What do I bring to the “table” of life?’ The purposeful layering of lace signifies nurturing, while flowers in various stages of blooming represent relationships. Colours, shapes and marks all wind in and around each other exploring our interconnectedness as humans.”


Tessa Maagdenberg


Ryan Walters