Tessa Maagdenberg

Tessa Maagdenberg was born in the Netherlands and, later, with her four young children, spent 17 years living in four different countries across the Middle East and Asia. During this time she always sought out local artists to work with and learn from. Returning to the Netherlands in 2011 she took a studio in Scheveningen, The Hague.

About her practice she says: “My art is non-objective and inspired by ornamental pattern elements. My tools for finding compositions are the hand-cut templates from parts of patterns found in old wallpaper, tiles, or ornaments that I photograph in and on buildings around the world. This fascination with ornamental shapes comes from the old wallpaper rolls that my grandfather had in his house, and a collection of wallpaper sample books that have been handed down from my uncle who also worked in the industry.”


Laura Silverman


Paula Borsetti