Mindset for Artists

In a series of 5 short episodes of the podcast I talk to transformation coach Vicky Ross.

One of the biggest obstacles artists face in moving their career forward is themselves. Success like happiness is an inside job. When we show up fully and in our purpose, our confidence is aligned.

Sadly the art world is a hierarchal set up. Most artists who choose to take their work into the public domain will say they want a gallery to sell their work, they want to show at fairs, or want a curator to exhibit their work. This outlook and set of goals is looking for validation outside of yourself.

It puts your success or the feeling of success in someone else’s hands.

However, this route through the art world is so deep rooted that most people cannot see any other approach. It starts with school, the need to be accepted, validated, win over approval and so on.

In this series of episodes with Vicky Ross, we talk about showing up for yourself with confidence to face the marketplace. We discuss the emotions that you might carry around being paid for your work, how your fears of showing up online to advocate for yourself and your work can be deep rooted, but also how they can be changed to support you moving forward.

Vicky and I have put together an online course all around mindset for artists who are holding themselves back.

Join the waitlist for the program here

Follow me on Instagram @thegitajoshi


Dawn Okoro


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