What is an artist’s resume?
Inside this article we talk about the difference between an artists CV and Resume. How to craft an artists resume with little experience and how to present your artist resume.
Free Exhibition Marketing Checklist
A free exhibition marketing checklist for artists and galleries.
Show Your Art - How to build an Art Career without a Gallery
Show Your Art, How to build an art career without a gallery. This is the new book by curator and podcaster Gita Joshi of The Curator’s Salon.
Ignite Your Career: The Roadmap to a Successful Art Show
Join the “Ignite your career: The roadmap to a successful art show” event with Gita Joshi.
Why is art marketing important?
Why is art marketing important? The significance of artist marketing is deeply rooted in its ability to magnify an artist's creations
What is art marketing?
What is art marketing? Art marketing stands as the cornerstone for raising awareness about an artist's creations and cultivating a dedicated community of prospective patrons
5 more galleries accepting artist submissions
A list of art galleries accepting submissions from artists.
The Power of Your Art Show: How Having Your Own Art Exhibition Can Increase Your Exposure and Build Your Professional Experience
One of the key benefits of having your own exhibition is the opportunity to increase your exposure. and your professional experience.
Why Artists Should Share Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses of Their Creative Process
One of the most engaging types of newsletters from artists include sharing behind the scenes. In this post, I share why this is so important.
Why Artists Need a Mailing List: How to Connect with Your Best Audience and Increase Exposure and Sales
In this post I write about connecting with your best audience - via your mailing list.
5 Galleries Seeking Artists
5 galleries seeking artists for those artists who are seeking gallery representation.
PODCAST - Gita Joshi on Women United Art Podcast
I was invited to the Women United Art Podcast where I talked about how I go about selecting art work for prizes, exhibitions and for Art Seen Magazine.
Artists Own Exhibitions
Artists own exhibitions are a long tradition and in this post we look at how to design and plan an artists own exhibition.
Applying to Open Calls
A video about making your submission to open calls stronger and common mistakes I see.
To Bear Witness: Real Talk about White Supremacy in Art Museums Today
Essay by Dr. Kelli Morgan. While the United States is a nation conceived and constructed by people of different races, genders, and ethnicities, the foundations of our society have always turned on the axis of systemic white supremacy. For over two centuries the traditional art-historical narrative in the US has remained predominantly Eurocentric and male in nearly every major museum.
Mindset for Artists
The mindset you have for selling your work or taking it into the marketplace is going to affect the results you get. In this series of short podcasts, I talk to Vicky Ross about developing confidence, self belief, and resilience for artists
Artists Email Newsletters
Artist email newsletters remain hugely relevant to any art business. In this post we look how to collate emails and how you can be using emails to your database to help your audience move through your sales funnel.
6 Signs You Really Need an Artist Coach
Here are six major signs you may be ready to hire an artist coach. What an artist coach can do for you, your art practice and your business