Aimee Jones

Aimee Jones is a visual artist and current MFA candidate at the University of South Florida. She has exhibited in Texas, Spain, Florida, and was a participant in the HANNAC Can Borni Residency in Barcelona. She specializes in painting portraits and transforming the human figure.

After studying advertising in Texas, she moved to Italy to study under a ceramic artist specializing in ceramic tile painting. From there, she moved to Madrid for 3 years to be an educator and is now creating work from her experiences.

About her career, Aimee shares, “As a figurative painter, I strive to explore the topics of identity, feminism, and the self-exploration of the body. My work is inspired by lush, botanical patterns found in nature and documenting my personal experiences and the intimate moments between myself and my subjects.

My paintings evoke the psychological and emotional force of the sitters and the temporality of the space that we are in. Painting directly from life captures my experience of being the looker with the person or subject I am painting. Gathering sources from personal connections, magazines pages, organic forms found in nature, and even my own reflection in the mirror, I impose distortions of scale and form in order to make a subject seem more present and often times humorous.”

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