Melissa Gile

Melissa Gile is a self-taught acrylic artist based out of Hamberg, Germany. She is originally from Seattle, WA. She shares, “I started drawing at the age of two, and largely think of visual expression as my first language. After exploring many different types of media, I fell in love with acrylic paints for their bright colors and how satisfyingly tactile it is to work with the paint. Ultimately, my vision as an artist is to use my work as a channel to deeply connect with the world around me by taking the time to see – to see myself, my community, and the natural beauty of the world we live in. Mindfulness and connection are at the very core of my values as a person and artist.”

Melissa says, “As givers of life, it is one of our superpowers that we can connect so well with other beings. The inspiration for my artwork comes from the belief that “we are one,” and celebrates the way feminine energy cultivates this through creation, intuition, sensuality, and community. I tell this story of “oneness” in a quite literal manner by weaving surrealistic images of female genitalia into other plants, animals, and materials. With soft, illustrative brushstrokes that are reminiscent of the vulva, I create a mood of sensuality and tenderness, qualities which are so strongly aligned with my own feminine identity.

In my artwork, the labia is a symbol of the bridge between us and nature – something to be deeply honored, rather than hidden or shamed. In the same way that my art has helped me foster a better friendship with my feminine self, and to feel safer within my own body, it is my hope that my work nourishes in others a healthier connection to our female bodies and feminine spirits. With bold and lively colors, I purposefully use an aesthetic that draws attention – a gift that often goes unwanted, but in this case is a statement of security and strength. It shows us that we are safe within ourselves and to express ourselves. Ultimately, we are now safe to draw attention, and to let our feminine selves be seen.”

See more of Melissa’s work on Instagram @melissa.gile.fineart.


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