Brooke Sauer

Brooke Sauer grew up traveling around the United States and her love of nature caused her to put down roots in California where she can turn to the outdoors year-round to inspire her artistic practice. Her artwork combines aspects of painting, botany, alternative photography, and printmaking. In her ongoing series of cyanotypes, Brooke explores our human relationship to the natural world as a symbiotic experience and she hopes to inspire others to go outside and explore their own internal landscape as they interact with and observe nature.

She shares, “With these works I identify with the natural world by exploring and learning about it first-hand, and reflecting on our symbiotic connection to it. I relate our human relationship to landscape as both a physical and metaphorical terrain to contemplate and protect -- one that inspires feelings of joy, renewal, and reverence. Connectivity and Eco-psychology are core concepts that drive my work, and the intimate and moments portrayed in my work suggest that just as nature surrounds us, it is also within us. My artwork combines aspects of painting, botany, alternative photography, and printmaking.

My unique prints are created by combining a very old photographic printing process called cyanotype, with my background in painting and my love of botany and the natural world. Through my process, I sometimes use pressed leaves and plants that I collect while hiking. I refer to my botanical collection as a “nostalgic herbarium,” as each specimen in it holds a memory of a feeling, a place, and a moment in time.”

See more of Brooke’s work @biminy.


Sonia Grobelny