Sonia Grobelny

Sonia Grobelny is a visual artist and designer living in France. Born in Paris to a Polish family and growing up in between countries and cultures, she developed a constant curiosity of the other, different places, identities, languages, ways of living. Upon receiving her Master’s degree in architecture in Paris, her professional career gave her an opportunity to experience living and creating within very different cultural contexts, in Europe, North America and Asia.

The versatility and immediacy of drawing are the main reasons why, from her earliest years, she chose it as an essential tool allowing her to record and analyze those various experiences. She sees art as a constant search of new means of expression, which, after experimenting with various types of traditional media, most recently led her to focus on the digital art realm. The most important part of every creative work for her is trying to tell a unique story and what is inspires her to move forward is how each story can be interpreted in many different ways.

She shares, “Human beings are inherently social creatures, and the experience of loneliness can prove to them to be a real challenge. While coping with isolation and solitude of the past months was a very difficult experience for most of us, for many it became as well a unique opportunity to press pause, spend time with themselves, reflect on their past experiences and redefine their values – to find new strength in being alone. For me personally finding more time to focus on my personal creative work was one of the most valuable parts, it allowed me to understand myself, my needs and my goals better. There is no single definition of intrinsic nature of all human beings, however it is comforting to think that each person has all the tools needed to find their own.”

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