Esra Kizir Gokcen

Esra Kizir Gokcen is a contemporary artist from Istanbul, now working and living in London .

Focused on water-based media and its texture effects on 2D surface her work is influenced by eastern miniature art and calligraphy with an expressive and colourful language supported by detailed drawings.

About her works, Esra says

”My latest works are related with the world’s big refugee crisis and my trying to understand it as an immigrant myself. People are being exposed to an extremely fast information exchange and our world is becoming smaller than ever while people from the growing countries, take life threatening risks to relocate. Looking for a hopeful future, away from the war or political corruption. “

”I make collages with maps and create a random reorder to emphasize the borders’ losing their meanings. I have been using acrylic to have bold colours and spontaneous washes for a transparent multi layered effect. Finishing my works with determined small details in lines. Paper boats are the symbols to express vulnerability and naivety, which can lead many people to a tragic end.”

Visit Esra Kizir Gokcen’s website at


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