Haus of Lucy

Haus of Lucy (Lucy Bryant) is a contemporary multi-media artist and graphic designer.

With her series of ceramic figurines, Lucy takes chintzy kitsch once-loved ornaments and turns them into something completely new and contemporary. A small boy sitting on a countryside fence becomes urban in an Adidas hoodie whilst a Regency lady takes her dog for a walk in a litter-strewn park complete with dog poo bags. Lucy uses a mixture of polymer clay with ceramic paint to create her works. Each figurine has its own story.

Lucy applies the same principle to her print series, appropriating the classic, antiquated landscape painting and onto these, adding anachronistic motifs to create a jarring and unexpected end result: is that an easyJet plane, gliding through a fifteenth century sunset? And what’s that Shell Oil truck doing in the middle of a nineteenth century pastoral scene?

Of her work, she says, “I love to subvert the 'ordinary', the banal and the traditional and I won't rest until I have added my touch to everything in the traditional British home, whether it might be china plates, paintings, figurines or even horse brasses.”

“I want my art to be relatable and to resonate with the viewer, inspiring a feeling of nostalgia and recognition. I have a great interest in British culture and tradition and it is this very tradition that I like to turn on its head and create something entirely new.

My goal is to make people think but more importantly, to make them smile.”


Marlies Plank


Kathleen Beausoleil