Kathleen Beausoleil

Kathleen Beausoleil is an oil painter who lives and works in Fair Haven, NJ. Her realist works focus on what it means to be a social being.

Of her work, Kathleen shares, “My work, primarily oil on canvas or panel, explores human social interaction and the territorial behaviors that operate in crowds. Following in the tradition of social realism and the AshCan school, my work is from my life as a mother of three one of whom is on the autism spectrum. My children are in Swim Meet and The Shore. These are snapshots of my life.“

Kathleen was a member of The Drawing Center’s Viewing Program and has been an Artist in Residence at programs including the Chalk Hill Artist Residency and the Artist *Forests* Community Program sponsored by the Holter Museum of Art and Helena National Forest.

Her work is in the permanent collection of private collections throughout the country and at the Art Museum of Missoula. She has also taught at the SUNY Empire State’s Studio Semester program. She received her BFA Cum Laude at Syracuse University.


Haus of Lucy


Martin Ridgwell