Katie Coogan-Mason

Katie Coogan-Mason, born in Australia, moved overseas to her mother’s birthplace as a child. She was exposed to the art, life, fashion and colour of an 80s London and experienced the excitement of the Vivienne Westwood/Punk era. She attended the Italia Conti School of Performing Arts which led to a career in television, theatre and music.

Of her art, she shares, “My art is a healing practice. When I create, I use various sensory stimuli such as movement and music to experience a connectedness to self and source, from which creativity flows. I trust, listen, see, feel and respond by expressing the images and ideas I receive; often as natural elements, animals, portraiture and symbols, making the unconscious – conscious. Meaning is revealed through my rituals of making and as the anatomy of the piece unfolds. I create art as an invitation to experience. To activate dormant senses, to illuminate ancient memories and parts of the viewers’ self. To open portals beyond veils of perception and awaken energies that heal.”

“I believe in the universal principles of Modern Mysticism, the concept of an interconnectedness with all things, beings, creatures etc. That ‘we’ are all part of a greater ‘one’ make sense to me. I can see how we are all in relationship with each other and reflect parts of ourselves in one another, how through love and healing, of the self, we increase love and healing of others. My process of introspection and art making is a healing practice through which I am re-membering ‘me’.”

Follow Katie on Instagram @nuinearth


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