Mia Risberg

Mia Rinsberg is a visual artist based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, painting and drawing in a variety of mediums. Born in Sweden, she spent her childhood often moving and living in various countries before settling in the United States as a young adult. She attended Pratt Institute and Hunter College, in NYC, where she graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BA in Fine Arts. She worked for many years in the publishing industry as a book designer, and raised her two children, before returning to a full time art practice.

With her wrok, she says, “My work depicts people, places and moments. These images are remembered or imagined, and often enigmatic in nature or hint at an ambiguous narrative. I am inspired by observations, memories, dreams, and photographs. I am intrigued by the viewer’s interpretation of what they perceive, and in one of my series “Glimpses”, I’ve created an interactive component to elicit responses from the viewers, and in that way, creating a thread of connection between me, and them. Nature, and its visual details, is also a source of inspiration and comfort. I am interested in the relationship between humans and nature, and the notion of the natural world around us as being strong and resilient, at times perhaps unsettling or mysterious.”

She has exhibited at various venues in the U.S, participated in several collaborative artist projects, and recently had work included in the 2021 Art on a Postcard Summer Auction, benefiting The Hep C Trust. She has curated contemporary art exhibits for the Rasa Festival, a festival promoting Indian culture, and in early 2020, she completed an artist residency at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts.

Explore more of her artworks at http://www.miarisberg.com/


Jael O'Connor


Preetha Varma