Michaela Wheater

Michaela Wheater is a London-based artist who has exhibited her work in many group exhibitions.

About her work, Michaela shares, “My work explores the uncanny relationship we have with dolls. Dolls are a powerful metaphor for the self: Our experiences and our relationships. I work with a number of developing series’. I am interested in the doppelgänger, the similarities of the doll with the human form and the blurred boundaries between life and death. My work explores notions of fragility, tangible traces of the past and of fleeting moments captured as memory.”

“Work shown here is from the ongoing series, Imposter’s Progress, affectionately known as Heads as Eggs. This series investigates the visual similarities between bisque dolls heads and eggs. The Imposters become actors in scenes that document aspects of a familiar journey, boiled eggs being made, eggs cracked during baking. These acts together build a narrative. Subject matter is arranged, manoeuvred and extensively recorded before being produced as a photoetching. My images capitalise on ambiguity. They reflect a dark humour that plays on the viewer’s emotions, associations and experiences. “

Explore more of her art journey at http://www.michaelawheater.co.uk


Suzanne Southerton


Martha Zmpounou