Nadine Montille

Nadine Montille was born in Mauritius and has been living in South East Asia and India for the last 10 years. She says, “As I child, I was always drawn to nature as they bring me great joy and keep me grounded. Through art, I create my own sanctuary which I portray by depicting a collection of lush foliage with soothing colours and inspiring shapes.”

Nadine shares, “Inspired by the boundless colours unique to the tropical traits of South East Asian region, my compositions represent a deep understanding of the natural world and an awe of its unpredictable flow. I incorporate bold, somewhat delicate shapes of intuitive abstraction in my work. The natural complexity of colours leads to a dreamy organic composition of feminine perspective, both lush and abundant. I have developed a sensitive approach to emotions, value and context. My foliage compositions are always focused on structure, with a unique palette, embracing my emotional sense rather than literal reproduction of nature. I invite the audience to reconnect with nature and to embrace its healing powers.”

See more of Nadine’s work on Instagram @montilleart.


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Skye Holland