Skye Holland

Skye Holland is a London-based contemporary artist using mixed-media to create drawings, paintings, panel-works and prints. Her artwork is a commentary on our ever shifting interaction with the natural and wild and the equilibrium on which we all co-exist and depend.

She shares, “My work is about the delicate balance between human imprint and wild habitats and their inhabitants. The Sixth wave of extinctions due to climate change, illegal poaching, urban encroachment and trophy hunting has me in a frenzy to make a small, if tiny difference in both celebrating wild beauty and raising awareness. The Fragile Earth Series of circular forms were largely inspired by the amazing full moons which marked the slow passage of time during the 2020/21 lockdowns. They serve as microcosms with stories about birth, regeneration, death and renewal. They also speak of the delicate equilibrium and balance necessary for all life to thrive on earth. The bright splashes and layers of acrylic inks build skeletal form, muscle and hide of the large scale animals I paint. The camouflaged and shadowy forms reflect colour and light from the foliage and earth underfoot. I have amplified the loud spots of colour which is as I have seen and experienced them in African bush (I lived and worked in South Africa). Heat and dazzling light distorting everything you see.”

Follow Skye on Instagram @skyeholland.


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