Natalia Millman

Natalia Millman is a conceptual installation artist and painter based in London and has exhibited at various exhibitions.

About her work, Millman shares, “My work investigates the fear of ageing and the stigma of dementia, highlighting the damage that time imposes on human body and mind, how it erases language, memories and consciousness.”

“It has grown out of personal experience of loss, after my father recently passed away within months of being diagnosed with dementia. I have spent the past year in my studio making work to understand how he must have tried to make sense of the world though confusion and realisation of inevitable end. I wanted to share my family’s story about this tragic disease. I have looked at physical changes, the effect of dementia on the brain, grieving process, memory loss, social barriers that segregate the old and versions of afterlife. Having produced these pieces, I now aim to raise awareness and support organisations who assist the elderly affected by this disease.”

“Much of my work is constructed from material found on building sites which I give another life modifying its past function. What I find resonates with the feeling of care and support for disappearing and unwanted. I work with painting, installation, sculpture and video.

Natalia’s solo exhibition "Vanishing Point" opens on October 6-10th, 2021 in the Crypt Gallery, London.

See more from Natalia at


Tara Esperanza


Gerard Sternik