Phyllis Wong

Graduated from Southern California Institute of Architecture, Phyllis Wong is a former architect who practised mainly in Los Angeles, USA and London, UK between 2001 to 2009. Upon moving to The Netherlands, she experienced a lack of appreciation for local and seasonal food.

She then started a catering company and became a culinary entrepreneur between 2011 to 2019, supporting local farmers and what the season gives. Currently, she is a visual artist who combines her interests and learnings from her architecture and culinary background. She leads art direction and curates projects that aim to bring more transparency and awareness about issues of our food cultures.

Phyllis is a creative and multi-disciplinary leader. She focuses on food-related and sustainability-driven subjects. Steered by the urge to manifest daily facts into a visual pleasure, Phyllis aims to translate crucial information and uninformed data into contemporary and witty creations.

A fan of everything modernistic, Phyllis also creates like a suprematism scenographer who constantly tries to challenge the traditional table set-up still life. She enjoys constructing with basic geometry and translates different mediums into monolithic or monumental forms. Inspired by materials derived from nature, season and time, there is always an influence of contrast, colours, texture and fun in her domain. Phyllis continues to challenge herself and strive to bring about the marvel and vulnerability of our surroundings through her vision.

Learn more from her at


Caryl Hull Leavitt


Delpha Hudson