Rian Hotton

Rian is a Jersey born contemporary artist based in London. His work is inspired by nostalgia – colour and feel, the future – problems and questions and his environment – the here and now. Continual research and knowledge gathering are key to his process.

Through acrylic or oil paintings he intertwines these subjects using imagery and suggestive forms to create bold and narrative laden scenes that seem to probe and intrigue the mind of the viewer.

Rian shares, “In the past I have focused on single subject matter for example place, nostalgia or bridging art and science. With each painting I anticipated something new not just the final piece but in the process of achieving it. The continual morphing of practice and process is an enjoyable process, but I felt the need to slowly consolidate on what I believed were the fundamentals of my practice. As is the case with each level of consolidation I found more avenues to explore. I concluded that the subject matters I was trying to consolidate were too wide ranging and too numerous. “

“What I wanted to achieve was always going to run away from me.

I changed tack and began using specific imagery, from old works and intertwining them with suggestive shapes and collaging them together to create the basis of a new work. I found that although the new imagery was condensed it made sense to me and could be paired back to form new paintings.

In doing this I was able to I was able to create narrative I care about , whilst at the same time creating a bold and intertwining painting that gave hints to that narrative. This leaves the viewer with some work to do but that is my aim, to fire the imagination, to plant a seed”

Discover more from Rian Hotton at http://www.rianhotton.com


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