Steven Allison

Steven Allison was born in Phoenix, Arizona. Being born in a fiery hellscape with the fairest of Irish skin meant that he spent a lot of time inside on the internet. This early exposure to life online and its disconnect to reality helps shape the art Steven now creates.

He is interested in theories on reincarnation, mental health, Buddhist philosophy, and the tapestry of time that helps shape people and culture. Particularly the personal narrative everyone has in their head about their own lives. He primarily paints figures and animals weaved with abstract representations of nature.

About his work he says “Originally I wanted to be a storyboard artist for cartoons, I would spend all day drawing and doodling in the back of the class, ignoring whatever life skills I was supposed to learn. I grew out of my love for comic books and videogames, seeing real life as a far more interesting story. I try to take on heavy topics that I have personal experience with and express my views in a visually interesting way. I have never been able to properly express myself with words but with paint, I can tell it all.

I enjoy the process of painting, how the paint reads on the canvas is almost as important as the subject being depicted itself. I want there to be layers of narrative behind each piece, I think of the subject and their entire life that has led to this moment I am painting. It’s completely made up in my head most of the time but, when painting people I know, the history may unveil itself. Though my love of pop culture icons has faded I still love a good story.”

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