Martin Ridgwell

Martin Ridgwell is a London based artist/printmaker. He originally studied printmaking at Bradford School of Art under the tutelage of Alan Marks.

After graduating, Ridgwell moved to Manchester working as a freelance illustrator whilst also recording the 'Madchester' scene in his cartoon strip The On Ones for the City Life publication.

He shares, “As a narrative, figurative artist, I follow in the footsteps of all those artists who came before me whose main desire was to tell a story. I like to think that my art captures a moment from some long forgotten book or a scene from a distantly remembered film. I am a story-teller but there are no beginnings or middles or even endings to my tales, instead I allow just a furtive glimpse into an unfolding drama. My protagonists are invariably young men, frequently in an interior setting, but the men and the rooms are never the same and at first glance it maybe hard to see what if anything they have in a common - except perhaps they all seem to be attempting to communicate with the other and failing.”

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