Michael Wallner

Before becoming a full-time artist Michael spent twenty years in the media industry producing entertainment programmes, talk shows, documentaries, a children’s novel, and ‘Warren Utd’, an animation made with Steve Coogan's production company. But creating original and innovative art is his true passion.

He began selling his city-inspired art in local restaurants before discovering the creative community at Wimbledon Art Studios where he now has studios and works as a full time artist.

Michael's work celebrates the beauty of the city through the shapes and colours that define its landmarks and character. He works with a variety of unusual materials including aluminium, copper, concrete, magnets, neon and L.E.D lights.

With his art, Michael shares that, “I'm always searching for unusual views and new perspectives, especially those that feature the old and the new, one of my favourite things about a city. Much of my work is created from aerial photographs, many taken while hanging out of helicopters with the doors off.”

“The philosophy of my art is to show the beauty around me, even in the most mundane of settings. I believe art is everywhere, art is for everyone, not just for the elite few. I hope my art encourages us to see new, inspiring things around us. Art does that to me. “

Interested in seeing more of Michael’s work? Visit http://www.michaelwallnerart.com


Preetha Varma


Liladhar Patil