Yvadney Davis

Yvadney Davis am a London-based portrait artist, who enjoys painting with acrylics. She wants to celebrate the beauty in normal people, and create her paintings combining abstract and linear marks on linen canvas. Davis returned to her art practise for the first time in over 15 years, when the global pandemic gave her time to pause, reflect and pick up her paint brush.

Yvadney’s work is inspired by three things - fashion, middle age and the Caribbean Diaspora and she does this with bold colour and strong gazes. She spent the last decade working as a fashion stylist and that combined with being newly 40 and a British Jamaican influences her subject matter.

With Yvadney’s art journey, she shares, “I’ve just entered my middle years and am a granddaughter of the Windrush Generation. This identity, alongside my career as a fashion stylist forms my portraits. I love bright colours, especially pink, orange and blue; I champion the hidden sensuality of the middle aged woman; and explore the pride of British Caribbeans. I use textured acrylic paint on either linen canvas or kraft paper. Painting to very loud jazz, I allow my paint brush to dance across the canvas, combining abstract and linear marks.”

”The works that have inspired me are Egon Schiele’s forms, Romare Bearden’s bright colours and the majesty and pride of the Great Masters. So, I hope when people look at my work, they find a connection and see something of themselves or a loved one in each painting, regardless of gender or body type. It’s about the real and everyday, with untold narratives and people celebrated and respected, wonky breasts, hoodies and all, presented with pride and majesty.”

Want to discover more of Yvadney’s works? Go to https://yvadneydavis.bigcartel.com/


Cindy J. Miller


Sarah Nelson